Hanwha Wisenet Road AI License Plate Detection Analytics
Do you need to be notified in real-time when a license plate-of-interest is detected?
Look no further than App-Techs' BTX (Bridge-to-XProtect), which seamlessly integrates your Hanwha Wisenet LPR cameras to enhance the license plate detection capabilities of the Road AI Edge Analytics platform.
With BTX, view Road AI license plate detections and receive notifications as they occur.
Key integration features include:
- RECEIVE license plate detection data centrally from any number of Road AI cameras.
- CREATE, MANAGE, and update your own license plate list(s).
- CLASSIFY plate detections based on your lists, no need to enter blacklists on every device.
- TRIGGER XProtect alarm records and user-defined events, according to list.
- NOTIFY personnel appropriately by list-type.
- REVIEW Road AI detection images right from the Smart Client.
- SIMPLIFY. No XProtect plug-ins, minimal Management Server configuration required.
Integration Feature Slideshow
BTX makes it easy to centrally manage detections from any number of Road AI Edge Analytics cameras. Create custom plate lists tailored to the specific needs, such as Authorized, Unauthorized, Visitor, Employee, Monthly, Visitor, Unknown, or other. Manage license plate lists for any number of LPR cameras without the need to go "direct-to-camera", and cross-reference detections from any number of cameras with your custom lists in real-time.
BTX also allows you to generate XProtect events and alarms based on license plate lists, display Road AI detection snapshots in the Smart Client, trigger notifications, user-defined events, rules, and camera call-ups based on plate lists, and retroactively search prior detections by plate, list, make, model, type, color, or state/region.
When combined with Hanwha Road AI cameras, BTX triggers immediate security action in Milestone XProtect, delivering true situational awareness and peace of mind.
Don't wait to be notified after the fact - with BTX, you'll know NOW.
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Hanwha Road AI Integration DEMO VIDEO
Road AI Integration DEMO VIDEO (short version)
How it works
BTX makes it simple to process Hanwha Wisenet Road AI plate detection metadata in real-time. Setting up your cameras is a breeze - all it takes is a one-time login to the camera to specify the BTX destination URL. From there, BTX will receive and cross-reference all Road AI plate detections sent from the camera within its centrally-managed plate lists.
With BTX, you can easily specify which lists are sent to XProtect, or which lists can be ignored. Based on your preferences, BTX will generate an XProtect alarm and/or event record with Video Bookmark, including all relevant metadata such as the JPG detection snapshot, license plate number, list, make, model, type, color, and state/region.
BTX also provides an intuitive way to trigger XProtect user-defined events based on plate lists. For example, you can open the gate when an employee plate is detected, but notify security and close the gate for an Unauthorized plate.
In addition, BTX offers a variety of features to enhance the XProtect Smart Client when Road AI license plate-of-interest events occur. With BTX, you can create situation-specific alarm messages, fire live matrix views and PTZ presets without requiring XProtect rules. You can also display map icons, Smart Maps, and Smart Wall call-ups.
Setting up alarms with BTX is quick and easy, with little or no changes are required in the XProtect Management Client. A single instance (license) of BTX integrates any number of Hanwha edge analytics devices, giving you greater flexibility and control.
Ready to try this integration for yourself? Contact App-Techs for a free trial copy of BTX today!
To learn more about Hanwha Wisenet LPR Cameras with Road AI Analytics, visit hanwhasecurity.com